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Soapi Dark Gray - magnetic soap holder

Soapi Dark Gray - magnetic soap holder

How does the Soapi work:

Stick your Soapi to a flat and clean surface. Now press a bottle cap halfway into your soap and hold both briefly under water so that the bottle cap adheres more firmly to the soap. Let it dry, and you're done!

Thank you for not buying shampoo in plastic bottles anymore!


***Soap and bottle caps are not included.***

***The colors of the Soapis may differ from the photos, as our raw material (recycled fishing nets) often varies in color***

Regular price €11,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €11,95 EUR
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Germany 3,50€, Europe 8,50€, free shipping from 29€(D)/39€(EU) Shipping within 2 working days

Anleitung: 1. Klebe den Soapi an eine flache und saubere Stelle, fest andrücken! 2. Benutze die Seife und lasse sie liegen 3. Nach einer Weile ist die Seife weich genug, um den Kronkorken halbtief rein zu drücken 4. Trocknen lassen, fertig! View full details