Ghost nets: Invisible danger in our oceans

The oceans that span the Earth are a breathtaking habitat for a diverse range of marine life. But unfortunately there is an invisible danger that threatens this underwater world and pollutes our environment - ghost nets. In this article, we take a closer look at this serious problem and what is being done about it.

What are ghost nets?

Ghost nets, also known as “ghost fishing nets,” are fishing nets that have been lost, discarded, or intentionally left at sea. These nets are often made of durable plastics that take decades or even centuries to break down. During this time they continue their destructive work in the oceans. To prevent this from happening in the first place, our supplier buys the fishing nets from the fishing companies as soon as they are no longer suitable for use. These fishing nets are cleaned and shredded in Denmark before they are processed into soaps in Berlin. This means that the lost plastic finds a safe and long-term use in the household.

The effects of ghost nets

The dangers of ghost nets are diverse and devastating:

  1. Marine animal entanglement: Ghost nets are a deadly trap for numerous sea creatures. Fish, sea turtles, whales, dolphins and other animals are often caught in the nets and drown painfully.
  2. Habitat Destruction: The nets can damage coral reefs and seabeds, destroying parts of the ecosystem that are critical to the survival of many species.
  3. Danger to shipping: Ghost nets sometimes float near the surface of the water, where they are invisible to ships. This can lead to collisions and damage to boats.
  4. Plastic waste: Ghost nets are made of plastic and contribute to global ocean plastic pollution as they decompose over time and release microplastic particles. This plastic is a valuable raw material that can be processed very well. We use exactly this polypropylene to make our magnetic soap holders, the Soapis. The plastic in the soap is made from approx. 90% recycled fishing nets.

What is being done to combat ghost nets?

Fortunately, there are global efforts to address the problem of ghost networks:

  1. Cleanups: Various organizations conduct cleanups that remove ghost nets from the oceans. However, these actions are often expensive and logistically challenging.
  2. Recycling and upcycling: Some initiatives are looking for ways to convert recycled ghost nets into new products such as clothing or equipment. There are many wonderful projects and ideas about what you can make from plastic. We decided to create a minimalist and durable holder for solid shampoos and solid soaps. Our goal was to combine sustainability with aesthetics and to create a price that makes it a great gift idea for Christmas, birthdays or just for environmentally conscious people. All you need is a bottle cap and the soap hangs on the soapi with a magnet.
  3. Technological Innovations: Advances in technology, such as drones and satellite surveillance, are being used to locate and recover lost networks more quickly.

How can you help?

Individuals can also contribute to combating ghost nets:

  1. Raise Awareness: Educate yourself about the problem of ghost nets and share your knowledge to increase awareness of this threat.
  2. Reduce plastic waste: By reducing your plastic consumption, you are helping to address the source of the problem. Here too, the Soapi helps consumers make the switch to solid shampoo easier. Clean storage makes showering day with solid care products much more attractive. The Soapi complements every bathroom, shower and sink with its simple aesthetic and is a great gift idea for anyone who would like to give something meaningful.
  3. Support organizations: Donate to environmental organizations that are actively working to remove ghost nets and save marine life.

Overall, combating ghost networks is a challenge that requires the commitment of governments, companies and individuals. Through collective efforts, we can help make our oceans cleaner and safer for future generations.

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